
31 Climbing Perennial Flowering Vine Species

American Bittersweet (Solanum dulcamara) is a deciduous shrub or small tree that can grow up to 10-15 feet tall. It has a smooth, gray bark and grows in U.S. Department of Agriculture hardiness zones 4-9. American Bittersweet flowers in late spring to early summer, and produces edible berries from late summer to early fall.

The leaves are ovate, 3-5 inches long and 2-3 inches wide, with serrated margins. The flowers are small, white or pink, and have five petals. The fruit is a dark purple berry that is about 1/2 inch in diameter and contains two seeds inside it.

American Bittersweet is an ornamental plant that can be used in landscape designs or as a specimen plant in a garden. It does well in partial shade or sun but does not do well when the temperature gets too hot or cold. American Bittersweet produces edible berries that are used to make bitters and liqueurs such as Benedictine and Chartreuse. ..

Black-Eyed Susan Vine

There are many different types of hanging baskets that can be found at garden centers. Some of the most popular baskets include the daisy, black eyed susan, and grapevine baskets. The daisy is a popular basket because it is easy to care for and has bright flowers that are perfect for adding color to a garden. The black eyed susan is another popular basket because it grows well in cold climates and has dark petals that make it look beautiful. The grapevine basket is also a great choice because it can be used in many different ways and can grow tall enough to reach high ceilings. If you are considering purchasing a hanging basket, make sure to read the reviews before making your purchase so you know what type of basket will work best for your garden.

Bleeding Heart Vine

Bleeding heart vine (Dicentra formosa) is a climbing version of the common bleeding heart plant. It grows to a medium size, and has heart-shaped flowers that are red, purple, or pink. The vine can grow up to 30 feet long, and has tendrils that help it cling to surfaces.

The bleeding heart vine is native to North America, and can be found growing in moist areas such as streamsides and along the banks of creeks. It prefers full sun, but will tolerate partial shade.

The bleeding heart vine blooms from May through July, and the flowers are pollinated by bees. The fruit is a capsule that contains seeds. The flowering period is shorter in cooler climates.

The bleeding heart vine can be propagated by division or by taking cuttings from the stem. It needs regular watering during dry periods, but does not require fertilization. ..

Blue Moon Kentucky Wisteria

If you're looking for a showy flower in your garden, look no further than Kentucky wisteria. This hardy plant can handle a lot of weather, and its flowers will be colorful and beautiful all year long. Areas that expect hot, sunny weather will likely see lots of blooms from Kentucky wisteria. If you want to add some extra color to your landscape, consider planting this vine around pergolas or other structures.

Cape Honeysuckle

Cape honeysuckle is a beautiful shrub that can be found in many warm climates. The shrub typically grows to a height of 30 feet and has trumpet-shaped flowers. The flowers are orange or yellow and are pollinated by bees. The Cape honeysuckle is a member of the honeysuckle family and it grows in areas that have a shady climate. It needs to be watered regularly, so it's best to plant it in spring. In colder climates, you can grow Cape honeysuckle as a tree, but it will only reach a height of 30 feet.

Chocolate Vine

Chocolate vine is a delicious and unique addition to any garden. This vine produces late summer flowers that have a soft chocolate scent. The flowers are followed by juicy fruits that are perfect for eating fresh or using in recipes. Chocolate vine needs regular watering to stay healthy, but it is easy to do so with a water dropper. If you want to add some chocolate flavor to your garden, this is the perfect vine for you! ..

Climbing Hydrangea

Hydrangeas are one of the most popular plants in the world. They are easy to grow and can be found in a variety of colors and sizes. Some people like to climb hydrangeas because they provide a beautiful view from high up. Hydrangeas also have fragrant flowers that bloom during the summer. ..

Climbing Roses

Worthy climbing roses are little tricky to grow, but with consistent watering and a little bit of know-how, they can be rewarding plants.

Supports for climbing roses grow best when the soil is consistently moist, but don't overwater them. Overwatering can cause root rot and other problems. Instead, water the plants in the morning and evening, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.

To get magazine worthy climbing roses, you need to be careful about how you care for them. They are susceptible to fungal diseases if they are over watered or if their roots are not well-drained. Prefer morning watering when possible to help avoid these problems. ..

Confederate Jasmine

Confederate Jasmine is a popular vine that can be grown in warmer areas of the United States. It is known for its star-shaped flowers and strong fragrance. This vine needs regular water and care to grow well. ..

Cup And Saucer Vine

Bloom Cup Saucer Foliage Rapidly,Vines Climbers Leaves Cup Shaped Flowers,Saucer Vines Climbers,Fast Growing Vine Reach 40 Feet Grows,Feet Grows Natural,Start Seeds Inside Winter Seedlings,Climbers Leaves Cup ..


Dipaldenias are shrubby plants that have a mandevilla-like appearance. They are typically season-flowering vines that look similar relative to mandevillas, but they require more water and warmth to grow quickly. They produce plenty of flowers throughout the entire season, and they require plenty of water young to grow. ..

Golden Trumpet

Golden trumpets are a popular vine mainly grown in warm climates. They are easy to grow and have beautiful fragrant flowers that bloom in the summer and fall. However, they need some support to grow well in humid environments.

The golden trumpets houseplants need to be kept at a high humidity level in order to thrive. The plants also require plenty of water and fertilizer to grow well. Golden trumpets can be found in many tropical locations, so it's a great choice for anyone looking for a fragrant vine that will bloom all year long.

Hardy Kiwi Vine

The kiwifruit family is a diverse one, with familiar cousins like the kiwifruit, and unfamiliar fruit like the actinidia deliciosa. The kiwifruit is a sweet, edible fruit that is unlike the familiar sweet edible fruit of the actinidia deliciosa. The actinidia arguta is a tolerant colder cousin of the actinidia deliciosa that grows in zones lower depending on variety. The grape eat eye-catching heart-shaped foliage adds visual effect to the season. ..

Jackman’S Clematis

Jackman Clematis is an incredibly popular flowering vine that can be found growing just Verticle. This hybrid plant produces inch flowers that are purple pink in color. The eyesores on this vine can add visual interest to a small space. If you have the space, Jackman Clematis is an excellent choice for a flowering vine!

Japanese Honeysuckle

Japanese honeysuckle is a fragrant flower that blooms gradually in yellow colors. It is a common flower in Japan and is often found near streams and rivers. The flowers are also used to fragrance homes. Japanese honeysuckle is mildly poisonous, meaning that it does not cause any harm to humans but it can be harmful to other animals. The vine grows best in shady areas and can be grown in dry soil.

Madagascar Periwinkle

Madagascar Periwinkle

The Madagascar Periwinkle (Vinca major) is a perennial that is native to Madagascar. It is a member of the family Apocynaceae and the genus Vinca. The Madagascar Periwinkle grows to a height of 1-2 feet and has blue-green leaves that are ovate in shape and have serrated edges. The flowers are pink, with a diameter of 1-1.5 inches, and are borne in clusters at the top of the stem. The Madagascar Periwinkle is poisonous to cats and dogs, but it is not toxic to humans. ..


The moonflower is a fragrant perennial vine that grows 20 feet long. The leaves are trumpet-shaped and dark green, and the buds are cone-shaped. The plant is mildly toxic to pets, but it can be grown in deep waterings weekly.

Morning Glory

Morning Glory is a vine that is often found in gardens and yards. It is a type of sweet potato that can be found in many colors, including yellow, orange, and red. The flowers are trumpet-shaped and are often brightly colored. The flowers can be eaten as part of a salad or as part of a dessert.

The morning glory vine is an established plant that needs little water to grow. It typically grows to about 12 feet tall and has a width of about 1 foot. The vines are typically green with white flowers that are trumpet-shaped.

Nugget Hop

Grow nugget hop,nugget hop makes attractive choice landscaping,cone shaped hops bloom summer use,hop vigorous perennial vine quickly,hops bloom summer use produce beer,hop makes attractive landscaping choice for home and garden.

Nugget hops are a cone-shaped variety of hops that grow quickly and make an attractive addition to any landscape. They are perfect for growing in containers or as a groundcover in your garden. In the summertime, they will produce beautiful clusters of flowers that can be used to flavor your beer or wine. ..

Ornamental Sweet Potato Vine

Ornamental sweet potato vines are popular plants that can be used to add beauty and interest to any garden. Sweet potato vines can be used as a climbing vine or as a trailing vine. They can also be used as a hanging basket or planter. There are many different cultivars of sweet potato vines that have different shapes and colors. Some cultivars are tall and some are short, some have tumbling edges and others have planter boxes at the base of the vine. Sweet potato vines adapt well to different light levels, so they can be used in both bright and dark gardens. ..


Red and yellow paperflower vines grow 40 feet tall and have bright flowers that are pink or purple. The vines are perennial and feature long traingrow support structures. The shrub is best grown in warm climates. It contains thorns, so be careful when handling the plants.


Plant Tolerate Autumn Planting

Periwinkle (Vinca minor) is a popular garden plant that typically displays impressive summer bloom. However, in autumn, this plant typically produces blue flowers. Pests known for their creeping habit are usually not a problem with periwinkle. ..

Purple Passionflower

Passionflower is a hardy perennial that grows well in most soils. It has a unique flower that attracts butterflies and bees. The fruit provides a nutrient-rich crop, and the vines are attractive to birds and other pollinators. The passionflower is thought to be the hardiest of the passionflowers.


Rocktrumpet is a beautiful flower that typically blooms in the summertime. It features attractive, showy vine-like flowers with pink and red petals. The flower is also known for its risk of frost passing away in cold climates.

Snail Vine

Phaseolus giganteus, referred to as the snail vine, is a tender perennial flower that can be found in many different colors and sizes. It is similar to the plant look alike, Hyacinth phaseolus giganteus, but has a more slender stem and narrower leaves. The flowers are typically light pink in color and have a sweet scent. The plant can be found growing in areas that are lightly wooded or near water.

Snapdragon Vine

Majus Similar Appearance: Hear Snapdragon Vine Called, Scandens Related Garden Plant Common

Secure Looks Snapdragon Vine Gorgeous Blooming Lavender Flowers

If you're looking for a beautiful flowering vine that is easy to care for, you should consider the snapdragon vine (Scandens). This vine has similar appearance to the majus grapevine, but it is much easier to grow and maintain. The flowers on this vine are typically a deep purple or lavender color and they are very fragrant. The hummingbirds love these flowers and they are also good pollinators. If you're looking for a flowering vine that is easy to care for, the snapdragon vine is a great option. ..

Spurred Butterfly Pea

The spurred butterfly pea vine is a unique looking plant that can be found growing in humid south Florida. The flowers of this vine are shaped like butterflies and are pollinated by bees. The flowers of the spurred butterfly pea vine are summer bloomers and will continue to bloom year round, although they may be a little bit less vibrant in the winter months. The purple pink blue pale colors of the flowers are very beautiful and they appear to be very humid. ..

Sweet Autumn Clematis

The sweet autumn clematis is a beautiful flower that blooms in the fall. The flowers are small and white, and they have a fuzzy appearance. The plant can grow up to 30 feet long, and it bears small white flowers. The dead flower heads look nice, and the structure of the seed heads makes them look like they are covered in fuzz. ..

Tangerine Beauty

If you are looking for a beautiful and long-season vine to grow in your garden, look no further than the tangerine beauty vine. This vine is known for its beautiful, colorful blooms that can last for weeks or even months. The downside to this vine is that it needs a lot of water to keep its flowers healthy and blooming, so it may not be suitable for areas with very dry soil. However, if you have a sunny location and want to enjoy the color and fragrance of these flowers all season long, then the tangerine beauty vine is definitely worth considering!

Trumpet Vine

trumpet vine grow,vibrant flowers attractive hummingbirds tubular shape important,plant new plants pop,vine showy plant features glossy dark green,pop yards away initial plant hazardous,bright red orange,spread rapidly self

Trumpet vine (Campsis radicans) is a vigorous vine that can quickly spread through the ground. It has showy flowers in a variety of colors and shapes. The flowers are important to the vine because they attract hummingbirds. The trumpet vine is also known for its glossy dark green leaves and its tubular shape. ..

The President Clematis

President Clematis is a fast-growing vine that is famous for its beautiful purple flowers. This vine can be grown in a variety of locations, including sunny areas or areas that receive partial shade. The vines should be planted in well-drained soil and should be spaced about 12 inches apart. President Clematis will grow up to 30 feet tall, so it is important to choose a location that will allow the plant to grow freely.

The vines should be pruned back every few years to keep them healthy and free-flowing. President Clematis will also need regular water and fertilizer in order to thrive. When the flowers are ready, they will turn a deep purple color and will last for several weeks before fading away.

There are many varieties of President Clematis available, so it is important to choose one that has the desired look for your garden. Some varieties have thicker stems while others have thinner stems, so it is important to choose one that will look good in your garden. Additionally, some varieties are easy to care for while others may require more attention, so it is important to research which variety would be best for you before planting. ..

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I am an experienced writer with a passion for writing. I have been published in various magazines and online journals, and have had several books of poetry published. I enjoy hiking and spending time with family and friends.
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